Friday, September 23, 2011

Would you like my autograph for your copy of my ebooks?

I am happy to announce that I can now send anyone who has purchased my books a personalized electronic autograph, along with the book cover, to add to your Kindle or to your autograph collections. Just click HERE and request my signature for my book of your choice.

Here is the background for this wonderful new feature in the world of e-books, e-readers, and authors.

Amazon Introduces Kindlegraph to Let Authors Sign Their e-Books


As the race between physical books and their digital counterpart e-books continues, the latter seems to be extending the lead with each passing day. However, there are some aspects of physical books that are sorely missed on the digital versions. Like the chance to meet your favorite author and to get him or her to sign the fresh copy of their book that you have bought. The event, the moment, and of course the author’s very own signature does make the entire thing a special part of your book collection.
So with e-books quickly becoming the norm, how can you still have the authors sign their books? Well, Kindlegraph from Amazon can be the answer, at least to some extent.

Read the rest of the story.

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